LatinNews Daily - 05 July 2018

In brief: Peru

Peru: Peru’s trade & tourism ministry (Mincetur) has released new figures which show that Peru’s non-traditional exports have grown consecutively over 22 months. Over the first five months of 2018, exports of non-traditional goods amounted to US$5.277bn, up 19.1% compared with the same period of 2017. Among these products, the best performing exports included grapes, avocados, and squid. As regards traditional exports, the ministry announced that during the first five months of 2018 these exports totalled US$14.202bn, up 17.3% compared with the same period in 2017. This growth owed much to an increase in oil, natural gas, and mining exports. In total, all exports between January and May 2018 amounted to US$19.479bn, up 17.7% compared with the first five months of 2017.