Weekly Report - 25 November 2021 (WR-21-47)

Quotes of the week

“We hold the conductor’s baton in Chilean politics and our party will choose democratically and collectively who will become the next president.”

Chile’s Franco Parisi, the anti-establishment populist presidential candidate who finished third in the first round, announces an online consultation among party members in early December to decide who to endorse in the run-off.


“Everything is ready for it to be a marriage and for us to be happy forever.”

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro ahead of a ceremony marking his affiliation to the Partido Liberal due to be held on 30 November.


“The OAS continues to be an instrument created by the US to project its meddling and hegemonic policy of intervention, of threat and of aggression against the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean”.

Nicaragua’s Foreign Minister Denis Moncada explains Nicaragua’s decision to leave the OAS.