Weekly Report - 09 December 2021 (WR-21-49)

Quotes of the week

“The impeachment motion failed, fascism failed, the congressional coup against democracy failed.”

The secretary general of the far-left Perú Libre, Vladimir Cerrón, responds to the failed attempt in congress to impeach President Pedro Castillo.


“Guillermo Lasso is the biggest taxpayer in this country…It is not acceptable to emerge from your hole and call for the president to be removed from power, to resign…without even investigating him…This is a conspiracy against democracy and that’s what is behind this.”

Deputy Diego Ordóñez of Ecuador’s ruling Movimiento Creo takes aim at former presidential candidate Andrés Arauz and his left-wing Unes party for an attempt to impeach President Guillermo Lasso.


“Where’s our freedom? I’d rather die than lose my freedom.”

Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro on vaccine mandates.