
Weekly Report - 03 May 2012 (WR-12-17)

ARGENTINA: Peronists face off

They all belong to the same party and they even used to back the same faction within the party - the ruling Frente para la Victoria (FPV) led by President Cristina Fernández and her late husband and predecessor, Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007). However, for the first time since 2003 the Peronists were divided when it came to holding rallies to commemorate International Workers’ Day on 1 May. In one corner stood Hugo Moyano, the secretary general of the general confederation of labour (CGT) who has fallen out with the president and fears that the Casa Rosada will force him out of the top union seat in the 12 July CGT general election; in the other stood the youth and social movements that fervently back President Fernández, which wanted to use the event to demonstrate that they have enough power to ‘dominate the streets’, as they put it.

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