
LatinNews Daily - 17 December 2015

Mexico’s Ruiz Massieu conducts first official visit to the US

Colombia: On 9 December the Office of the Spokesperson of the US State Department issued a press release noting that the US and Colombian governments had reaffirmed their strategic partnership during a meeting of the Security Cooperation Coordinating Group (SCCG) that took place two days earlier. According to the press release, the meeting was co-chaired by US Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs William R. Brownfield and Colombia’s deputy defence minister for policy and international affairs, Aníbal Fernández de Soto Camacho. This was the fifth session of the SCCG, which is a component of the bilateral High-Level Strategic Security Dialogue (HLSSD) that last took place in Bogotá in April. The purpose of the Dialogue is to develop strategic mechanisms for further US-Colombia security cooperation and coordination. The US State Department press release notes that during the 7 December meeting, the SCCG endorsed the US-Colombia Action Plan on Regional Security Cooperation for 2016, which will be presented for approval at the next HLSSD. In addition, as part of US-Colombian joint efforts to enhance security coordination efforts in 2016, both countries agreed to implement additional joint priority activities in Central America and the Caribbean.

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