
LatinNews Daily - 10 March 2016

US politicians condemn Cáceres murder in Honduras

Argentina: On 1 March newswire Reuters cited a spokesperson from the US Department of the Treasury as stating that the US supports the pre-agreement reached on 29 February by Argentina and its ‘holdout’ bondholders in the US, announced by Daniel Pollack, the US court-appointed mediator in the long-running dispute between Argentina and the holdouts. Reuters cites that US Department of the Treasury source as saying that “we look forward to full implementation of the agreement, which should help Argentina return to the international capital markets and promote strong and sustainable growth”. Meanwhile US President Barack Obama is due to travel to Argentina on 23 and 25 March where he will meet President Mauricio Macri. According to a White House press release issued on 18 February, the two leaders will meet “to discuss President Macri’s reform agenda and recognise his contributions to the defense of human rights in the region”. According to the press release, President Obama “will deepen efforts to increase cooperation between our governments in a range of areas, including trade and investment, renewable energy and climate change, and citizen security. It has been nearly two decades since the last bilaterally focused visit by a US President to Argentina, Latin America’s third largest country”.

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