By most yardsticks, the mega elections held on 6 June produced an impressive result for President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s left-wing Movimiento Regeneración Nacional (Morena). His personalist political party was only founded in July 2014 and yet within seven years it has supplanted the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) as the pre-eminent force at state level, winning no fewer than 11 of 15 gubernatorial elections to control 17 of Mexico’s 32 state governorships. It also notched up some important municipal victories in spite of some painful defeats in its Ciudad de México (CDMX) stronghold. But López Obrador had set the bar higher. He wanted Morena to win a two-thirds majority in the federal lower chamber of congress to carry out constitutional reform. Morena not only fell short of this target but will also need the support of a fickle political bedfellow just to achieve a simple majority.End of preview - This article contains approximately 1586 words.
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