* The United Nations (UN) and the Honduran permanent contingency commission (Copeco), a government entity created to coordinate public and private disaster relief efforts, have announced the launch of a US$222m humanitarian response plan (HRP) for Honduras. According to a press release by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic and hurricanes 'Eta' and 'Iota' which made landfall in Honduras in November 2020 worsened the longstanding multidimensional crises in the country, leaving 2.8m people in need of humanitarian assistance. This figure, nearly a third of Honduras’ population, is more than double the 1.3m people in need estimated in early 2020. The HRP, which includes 93 projects to be implemented from August 2021 to December 2022 via 44 operational partners,
“aims to provide a holistic, timely and coordinated response to address the critical needs of 1.8m of the most vulnerable people…in sectors related to health, nutrition, food security, displacement, and protection” in 127 of Honduras’s 298 municipalities. The OCHA estimates that 70% of Honduras’ population was living in poverty at the end of 2020, up from the 59.3% reported at the end of 2019, and 937,000 people in Honduras were internally displaced due to disasters in 2020, the highest number of new displacements in Latin America.
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