* The secretary of the budget committee in Argentina’s chamber of deputies,
Marcelo Casaretto, has announced that the 2022 national budget, which was delivered to congress last week, is now being analysed in the legislature. The 2022 budget put forward by President
Alberto Fernández and Economy Minister
Martín Guzmán is based on expectations of 4% GDP growth next year, 33% inflation, and an official exchange rate of Ar$131.1/US$1, as well as a fiscal deficit of 3.5% of GDP. The 2022 budget proposal has been designed with the aim of facilitating a debt restructuring agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), something Casaretto is confident will be achieved. A member of the ruling Frente de Todos (FdT) coalition, Casaretto has sought to minimise
the divisions currently rocking FdT and the government, which could impact the final budget and the likelihood of reaching a deal with the IMF, saying that
“it is very interesting that there is a debate” within the coalition.
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