*Chile’s finance ministry has announced that it has issued US$4bn worth of ‘sustainable’ bonds - debt instruments that finance green and social projects – on international markets. The three US dollar-denominated bonds are set to mature in 2027 (US$1.5bn), 2034 (US$1.5bn), and 2052 (US$1bn), with interest rates of 2.76%, 3.5% and 4% respectively while demand was 4.9 times oversubscribed. In 2019 Chile was the first country in the Americas to issue ‘green' bonds - debt instruments that fund or refinance initiatives for climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as environmental protection. Since then, it has also issued ‘social’ and ‘sustainable’ bonds. According to Chile’s finance ministry, since 2019, Chile has issued approximately US$31bn in such bonds, of which US$17.8bn are social bonds, US$7.7bn, green bonds and US$5.5bn, sustainable bonds.
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