* Mexico’s national statistics institute (Inegi) has released the latest figures from its national employment survey (Enoe) which show that the unemployment rate in the first quarter of 2022 stood at 3.5% of the economically active population – people over the age of 15 who are employed or seeking employment – a reduction on the 4.4% who were unemployed in the same period of 2021. In total, 2m people were unemployed in Q1 2022, whereas 56.1m were employed – 3.1m more than in the first quarter of 2021. This increase was concentrated in the commerce sector, with an increase of 893,000 employees; in restaurants and accommodation services with 58,000 more; in miscellaneous services, up 490,000; and in professional, financial and corporate services, with 407,000 more employees. In quarterly terms, the unemployment rate decreased 0.2 percentage points from Q4 2021.
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