* Transport unions in Argentina are carrying out demonstrations and roadblocks throughout the country due to the shortage of diesel oil and increase in fuel costs. Striking unions include the Unión Nacional de Transportistas y Afines de la República Argentina (Untra), Autoconvocados Unidos, Transportistas Unidos de Argentina (Tuda) and the Sindicato Único de Trabajadores de Administraciones Portuarias (Sutap).
“After four months of warning about the painful situation that we were facing we had to come out to demonstrate and show the value of our work,” Tuda president,
Santiago Carlucci, told local media. Among other things, the demonstrators are asking for the establishment of a new trigger clause so that freight rates are raised proportionally to the increase in fuel prices. In a survey of Argentina's 23 provinces and autonomous district for the capital Buenos Aires (CABA), on 15 June, Argentina’s cargo and freight transport employers’ federation (Fadeeac) warned that there were fuel shortages in 21 provinces.
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