The ninth Summit of the Americas (SoA), which took place from 6-10 June in Los Angeles, California, was marred by controversy over its guestlist. The decision by the US administration led by President Joe Biden to exclude the governments of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua from the Summit led several heads of states to boycott it, with Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador leading the charge. The absences caused major headaches for the US government, revealing its disconnect and lack of sway with others in the region. However, López Obrador’s absence was worrying for another reason. Biden was planning to unveil a major regional migration initiative at the SoA. Given Mexico is a key transit country for migrants and a main partner of the US in tackling migration, this no-show threatened to derail one of the centrepieces of the already somewhat overshadowed Summit.End of preview - This article contains approximately 1281 words.
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