* The World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has accepted a claim from US construction materials producer Vulcan Materials in relation to the Mexican government’s
“wrongful shutdown” of one of its quarrying operations in Quintana Roo state. On 5 May, Mexico’s ministry for the environment and natural resources (Semarnat) shut down the site in the coastal resort town of Playa del Carmen, which Vulcan Materials owned and at which it had carried out quarrying and extraction operations for 30 years. Vulcan Materials argues that the shuttering of the site was illegal, given that it had the necessary permits to operate, and said it has suffered economic damages as a result. In its resolution, which was issued on 11 July but has only just been made public, the ICSID recommended the Mexican government abstain from
“public attacks” on Vulcan. President
Andrés Manuel López Obrador has previously accused the company of environmental destruction and, in June, said he would
present a complaint to international bodies on the matter.
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