*Argentina’s Economy Minister
Sergio Massa has announced the launch of the ‘Precios Justos’ price controls programme, which
was negotiated last month with suppliers and supermarkets. Massa said the programme sought to
“provide predictability” for consumers by fixing the prices of over 1,700 mass consumption products for 120 days. Products affected by the scheme include food and dairy items, personal hygiene products, drinks, and cleaning products. Consumers will be able to find out the price of items, and denounce retailers not complying with the programme, through a new mobile app. Additionally, Massa said that more than 100 companies had agreed to increase the price of over 30,000 products not included in the programme by no more than 4% a month for the next four months.
“Reaching this agreement with the [private] sector, at a time when it seems that everything is solved with fights and arguments, is part of continuing our commitment to sit at the table to solve the problems, so that people can live each day with a little more peace of mind,” said Massa.
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