
LatinNews Daily - 05 May 2023

Main Briefing
On 4 May, Peru’s Prime Minister Alberto Otárola defended the security forces’ recent crackdown on anti-government protesters, in response to a report by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) which identified “serious human rights abuses” which “may amount to extrajudicial killings”.... Read More
* Colombia’s congress has provisionally approved the government’s national development plan (PND), following its approval by the lower chamber with 120 votes in favour and 12 against.... Read More
On 4 May, Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva officially swore in a former army general, Marcos Amaro, as the new head of the cabinet for institutional security (GSI), the bureau responsible for presidential security.... Read More
* The Brazilian electricity company Eletrobras has released its results for first quarter of 2023, which show a profit of R$406m (US$81.44m).... Read More
Central America & Caribbean
On 4 May Monitoreo Azul y Blanco, a Nicaraguan organisation which monitors human rights violations, reported that 57 people had been arbitrarily detained in various parts of the country.... Read More
* Suriname’s government led by President Chandrikapersad Santokhi has announced that it has reached a deal in principle with members of its Eurobond creditor committee regarding the restructuring of US$675m of Suriname sovereign bonds. The five members of the committee currently own or control approximately 75% of the outstanding bonds.... Read More
On 4 May, Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador defended his sons in the face of corruption allegations.... Read More
* Mexico’s national statistics institute (Inegi) has released new figures which show that gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) in February increased by 1.9% in real terms as compared to the previous month, with investment in machinery & equipment up 2.9% and investment in construction up 0.6%.... Read More
Southern Cone
On 4 May María Eugenia Vidal (2015-2019), a former governor of the province of Buenos Aires, withdrew from Argentina’s presidential race.... Read More
* Uruguay’s national statistics institute (INE) has released the latest consumer price index (IPC), which shows monthly inflation of 0.75% in April, bringing annual inflation to 7.61%.... Read More
Publishing note
Due to a public holiday there will be no LatinNews Daily on Monday 8 May.... Read More

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