
LatinNews Daily - 17 May 2023

Main Briefing
On 16 May an impeachment trial was launched against Ecuador’s President Guillermo Lasso.... Read More
*Peru’s central bank (BCRP) has announced that public investment in April totalled PEN3.19bn (US$866.36m), up 21% on the same month in 2022.... Read More
On 16 May, Brazil’s vaccine-sceptic former president Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2023) testified to federal police (PF) as part of an investigation into a scheme to produce falsified coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccination records.... Read More
* Brazil’s state-controlled oil company Petrobras has announced changes to its fuel pricing policy, which will involve lower prices for gasoline, diesel, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), as part of a new “commercial strategy” that would end the fixed alignment of the company’s domestic pricing with the prices determined by the international market and exchange rates.... Read More
Central America & Caribbean
On 16 May the United Nations special rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders (HRDs), Mary Lawlor, called for the release of five Salvadorean environmentalists arrested in January.... Read More
* The Miami-based International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) arbitration panel has rejected a U$671m claim against the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) from multinational consortium Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC), which constructed the new third set of locks in the Panama Canal.... Read More
On 16 May, Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated his government was seeking to exchange information with China to prevent the synthetic opioid fentanyl from arriving to Mexico.... Read More
*Mexico’s President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has said that the negotiations for the sale of Citibanamex, the Mexican banking unit of US financial giant Citigroup Inc, are “going very well”.... Read More
Southern Cone
On 16 May Chile’s interior minister, Carolina Tohá, defended the security record of the leftist government led by President Gabriel Boric.... Read More
* The Buenos Aires grain exchange has reported that Argentina is expected to produce 23m tonnes (t) of wheat and barley in the 2023/24 season.... Read More

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